Monday, January 10, 2011


So, Jessie and I (Rebecca) win the first-to-get-sick award.  We are both so very honored to have the privilege. =)  Ha!   This morning Jessie and I were awakened by the sound of a million bats flying around outside our window around 6:00am.  So, instead of fighting it, we got up and enjoyed the amazing view outside our window.  The Lake is gorgeous in the morning, and we loved watching people paddle by us in boats.  After about 30 minutes of chatting and just enjoying the early morning, we decided to take our malaria medicine and start getting ready.  Well.... about 3 minutes after taking the medicine, both Jessie and I simultaneously headed for the restroom.  Good times. =)  With absolutely nothing left in our stomachs... we currently both feel fine.  =)  Awesome start to our first day.  But, at least we're laughing, right?

I feel the best I've felt this whole journey... having gotten at least 6 solid hours of sleep.  I think we're in for an amazing day.  I went to everyone's rooms this morning and the team is up and excited about the day.  We're meeting Lori and Vanessa for breakfast around 9:00am this morning for our orientation (we were too tired last night to take in any information... just pizza).  After breakfast, we'll head to HODASSU to meet the kids we'll be working with. Hooray!

Thanks for all your prayers.... please thank God for our safe travels, no lost luggage, and no bad attitudes.  I am truly thankful for this team and the way everyone is working together.

Here we go!
~Rebecca Brown


  1. Yippee!! Glad you and Jessie didn't stay sick for long... Hope that is the last of it. Love the updates! Praying for you guys daily!!

  2. Feel better. Praying for you and love you!

  3. Awesome! (not getting sick of course but the whole feeling better part). Keep the updates coming. Praying for you guys.
