Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fun Times

Well so far the trip has been exciting and very long, the plane flight was the longest ever but i enjoyed watching movies such as the Expendables and Inception, me and Lynn played battleship and I attempted sleep in a variety of ways that any yoga teacher would be proud of. Landing in Dubai was amazing just getting to see the city. Dubai is a city of wealth and power. I saw a variety of exotic cars including a Ferrari Enzo, SLR Mcclarren, and Roles-Royce, we saw the worlds tallest building and had a good time touring the city. Im quite excited to get to Africa today and experience that. I am feeling good yet still tired after going 24+ hrs without sleep then only getting 5hrs of sleep last night but still in good spirits and excited to see what awaits us in Uganda. This is such a great group of people to be traveling with and Im excited to really get to know each and everyone of them. And now to the plane and immigration.

-Jeremy Byrnes


  1. Ya for you guys! We are happy to read that you are hanging in and making the best of the trip. Congrats to all of you. UNR is ahead at halftime! 17 - 7. We are praying for continued protection.

  2. UNR won! 20 - 13! Have fun today!

  3. so good to meet everyone. praying as you make your way to Jinja. blessings and strength and wisdom and peace for all of you as you live out 'His kingdom come, His will be done on earth...'
