Friday, January 14, 2011

A great day

Wow so Jan 13th was a crazy long day. It was very hot but lots of fun. In the morning after tea I got everyone streching their sore muscles from our previous days workouts. Had a great time working with the kids and playing sports. Then we all shared lunch again with the kids and we all got lessons in sign language which was amazing. Then everyone went to their jobs with their kids. And had a great time, because now we are able to communicate with the kids better. During the time when jewelry and embroidering and photography is going on, Matt Brown and myself are free and able to take pictures or just play with the smaller kids. This is the day I met Zane. He is a 6 yr old boy that is missing a leg and uses crutches. He contracted malaria at the age of 2 and due to the meds that he had to take the malaria became septic and he lost his leg. My heart instantly went out to him and i spent my afternoon with him. We are all having a blast and are all finding kids that we are connecting with and really spending quality time with. God is Great.

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